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The Beatitudes (The Gospel of Matthew: Kingdom Culture) Episode 28

The Beatitudes (The Gospel of Matthew: Kingdom Culture)

This week my friend and Co-Worker Chandra Styles is teaching, and introducing us to Jesus' longest teaching "The Sermon on the Mount." But as Jesus prepares to teach to the crowd, he first has something important to say to to his closest followers about the heart of those who would follow after him.

· 26:42

This week my friend and Co-Worker Chandra Styles is teaching, and introducing us to Jesus' longest teaching "The Sermon on the Mount." But as Jesus prepares to teach to the crowd, he first has something important to say to to his closest followers about the heart of those who would follow after him. 

Two reflection questions from Chandra's teaching.
- Which beatitude is Jesus drawing you to embody in your life right now?
- Which beatitude or characteristic of God does the world need the Church to embody to experience Jesus' love right now? 

To see the art that Chandra references visit: https://thevcs.org/blessed/black-blessed


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